AGMP - Associação Goiana do Ministério Público -

Associação canadense é contra a PEC 37


A Associação Canadense dos Advogados do Estado (CACC/ACJE) enviou por carta manifestação de apoio a Associação Nacional dos Membros do Ministério Público (CONAMP) contra a Proposta de Emenda à Constituição (PEC) nº 37 de 2011. De acordo com o presidente da CACC/ACJE, Eric Woodburn, a PEC 37 poderá afetar negativamente o trabalho do Ministério Público como guardião do sistema judicial criminal.
Para a CACC/ACJE, um sistema criminal de contrapesos e balanços é fundamental. Neste sentido, a associação declara preocupação em relação a PEC 37 por ela remover "um importante contrapeso do sistema brasileiro".
"Apoiamos todas as iniciativas que poderão ajudar os promotores em seus esforços para a manutenção do Estado de direito, como é estabelecido e reconhecido em padrões internacionais, convenções e leis", afirma o documento.
Confira abaixo a íntegra da manifestação:
Dear President,
I am pleased to provide this letter on behalf of the Canadian Association of Crown Counsel, a national association which represents the collective interests of Crown prosecutors and Crown lawyers in Canada. I understand that a proposal (PEC 37/2011) has been introduced to amend the Brazilian Constitution, which, if adopted, will result in significant changes in the conduct of prosecutions in Brazil.
Our Association is a member of the International Association of Prosecutors (IAP). We agree with the content of a letter that James Hamilton, the President of the IAP, sent to you in February. We are particularly concerned that one of the principal effects of the proposal is that the power to conduct criminal investigations would be assigned exclusively to the police, thus removing the role of the Brazilian prosecution service from the evaluation of criminal charges.
We also understand that a main concern of your association, CONAMP, and other Brazilian prosecutors' associations is that the amendment would significantly affect the ability of prosecutors to conduct effective, fair and impartial criminal investigations including those relating to the fight against organized crime and corruption.
We strongly support CONAMP in its effort to oppose this proposal because it may seriously affect the role of the Brazilian prosecutors' services as gate keepers and decision makers in the criminal justice system. A system of checks and balances is fundamental to ali criminal justice systems that adhere to the rule of law. We are concerned that the current proposal removes an important check and balance in your system.
The CACC, an Association used to helping govemments and the public understand issues involving Crown prosecutors in the criminal justice system and Crown lawyers in the civil justice system, shares the concerns already raised by your association and underlined by the IAP. Moreover, we support any initiatives that will help Brazilian prosecutors in their efforts to maintain the principie of the rule of law as it is established and recognized in intemational standards, conventions and laws.
Eric Woodburn,
President of Canadian Association of Crown Counsel / Association Canadienne des Juristes de L'État

Fonte: Assessoria de Comunicação da CONAMP

Associação Goiana do Ministério Público
Rua T-29, 1758 - St. Bueno.
Cep: 74.215-050, Goiânia - Goiás
Fone: (0xx62) 3285-6660
Fone: (0xx62) 3274-3513