AGMP - Associação Goiana do Ministério Público -

Associação norte-americana envia carta de apoio ao poder investigatório do MP


A Association Of Prosecuting Attorneys (APA), entidade que representa os procuradores/promotores federais, estaduais e municipais dos Estados Unidos Da América, enviou carta de apoio ao poder investigatório do MP, por intermédio do promotor de Justiça do Ministério Público do Estado do Ceará e ex-presidente da Associação Cearense do Ministério Público (ACMP), Manuel Pinheiro Freitas.
Em nome da entidade, o vice-presidente, Steven Jansen, esclareceu que, no sistema jurídico norte-americano, os procuradores e promotores federais podem iniciar investigações criminais próprias e levar quaisquer tipos de casos diretamente aos tribunais, enquanto que os procuradores e promotores estaduais e municipais, de acordos com as regras de cada jurisdição, geralmente concentram as suas atuações investigativas nos casos de delitos graves ou complexos, como homicídio, corrupção e crime organizado.
O representante da associação norte-americana asseverou ainda que a cooperação e a coordenação do Ministério Público com a polícia e outros órgãos de aplicação da lei nos estágios iniciais da investigação, através da troca de informações ou da formação de forças-tarefa, podem levar a um maior sucesso na persecução dos crimes graves.
Association of
Prosecuting Attorneys
1615 L Street NW Suite 1100
Washington DC 20036
April S, 2013
To Whom It May Concern regarding the Brazilian Public Prosecution:
The Association of Prosecuting Attorneys (APA) is a private non-profit whose mission is to support and enhance the effectiveness of prosecutors in their efforts to create safer communities. We are the only national United States organization to include and support all prosecutors, including both appointed and elected prosecutors, as well as their deputies and assistants, whether they work as city attorneys, city prosecutors, district attorneys, state's attorneys, attorneys general or U.S. Attorneys.
On behalf of APA, I offer this letter to provide an overview of prosecutors' participation in serious crimes investigated here in the United States. Criminal prosecutions in the United States can occur at the federal, state, or local level. Federal prosecutors have a greater role in investigations, generally, than state or local prosecutors. They may initiate criminal investigations and bring the cases directly. On the state and local level, which prosecutes the majority of the crime in our country, most criminal investigations are undertaken by law enforcement agencies. However, in many jurisdictions prosecutors collaborate with law enforcement in the investigation of serious or complex crimes, such as homicide, corruption and organized crime.
The scope of their investigative responsibility varies amongst jurisdictions, but may include directly responding to a crime scene, overseeing the collection of evidence, preparing search warrants, and making charging decisions. In many jurisdictions, prosecutors respond directly to the scene of crimes such as homicide. Direct response to the scene can help prosecutors better evaluate and build their case for trial from the onset of the investigation. The firsthand observation of the actual crime scene can help a prosecutor better develop an understanding of the case, which may lead to more informed charging decisions and greater efficiency. A prosecutor who collaborates with law enforcement early in an investigation may more readily determine which, if any, charges should be filed or follow up investigation needed.
Prosecutors can ensure that law enforcement secure a scene and conduct a search according to the law. Moreover, prosecutors can help to ensure that all necessary evidence is collected and preserved, witnesses are identified and interviewed, and relevant evidence for trial is obtained. Cooperation and coordination with law enforcement in the early stages of investigation, through collaboration or in task forces, can lead to the more successful prosecution of serious crime.
Respectfully submitted,
Steven Jansen
Vice-President and COO
Our Mission is to Support and Enhance the Effectiveness of Prosecutors in Their Efforts to Create Safer Communities

Fonte: Assessoria de Comunicação da CONAMP

Associação Goiana do Ministério Público
Rua T-29, 1758 - St. Bueno.
Cep: 74.215-050, Goiânia - Goiás
Fone: (0xx62) 3285-6660
Fone: (0xx62) 3274-3513